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HND Creative Media Industries Session 2 - Defining The Creative Media Industries

In this unit you will be exploring the creative industries in general as well as looking at the specific area of film and tv. You'll develop an understanding of the industry, its business practices and the skills needed in a variety of job roles in the creative industries. This will help you discover how the work you create will fit within both the film & tv sector as well as the wider industry as a whole. Together with the Professional Practice unit you should complete this unit feeling confident in knowing about the industry and exactly how you're going to find a place in it.

There are FOUR main elements to this unit.

Firstly you're going to map out the creative industries in general, the size, shape and structure of the industries.

You'll then discuss the different types of companies and employment in the creative industries.

Thirdly you'll look specifically at the Film & TV industry and tell me about the different job roles and relationships within that sector.

Finally you'll offer some predictions as to how the film industry will look in the future.

Obviously the first thing we need to do is collate research about, and write about, the basic structure of the creative media industries. As HND students I'd expect you to use the links I've left at the bottom of this post, but also follow up your own research as well.

Do this first stage of the unit in the following way.

1. Open up a new blogpost on your MEDIA WORK blog. Give it the title 'Creative Media Industries - Definitions & Sectors'

2. Open up a heading. 'Definition'. Using notes from our discussion and the links below give me a definition of what 'Creative Industries' means.

3. See if you can list all the 'creative industry sectors' (eg Film, TV, games-design etc) you can. For each of the industries you've mentioned in your bullet-pointed list, see if you can slot in a simple one-line definition of each. Wiki might be useful for this but if you're using a quote, make sure you're pasting in links to where you're quoting from.

3. Open up a new heading 'Economic Impact' and tell me how much the creative industries are worth to the British Economy. The links below should provide you with that information.

Useful Links.  

My presentation for this session can be found HERE


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