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Showing posts from October, 2018

HND Creative Media Industries Session 2 - Defining The Creative Media Industries

In this unit you will be exploring the creative industries in general as well as looking at the specific area of film and tv. You'll develop an understanding of the industry, its business practices and the skills needed in a variety of job roles in the creative industries. This will help you discover how the work you create will fit within both the film & tv sector as well as the wider industry as a whole. Together with the Professional Practice unit you should complete this unit feeling confident in knowing about the industry and exactly how you're going to find a place in it. There are FOUR main elements to this unit. Firstly you're going to map out the creative industries in general, the size, shape and structure of the industries. You'll then discuss the different types of companies and employment in the creative industries. Thirdly you'll look specifically at the Film & TV industry and tell me about the different job roles and relationship

HND Creative Media Industries - Session 1 - Setting Up Your Blog

Because all your work for me this year is written, I would like all of your work for me this year  to be in blog form. A blog is simply an online space in which you can write articles or 'posts'. These posts can contain imagery and enable the embedding of video and audio links as well. Today I want you to set up two blogs. One will contain all your work for the unit you'll be working on from now until Xmas.  It's where I'll see your work, where you'll spend time finessing/perfecting it, and perhaps also where I'll be giving you feedback and guidance. The other blog will be for your own work and more personal to you - so a place for hosting things you've made, opinions, pieces of writing that aren't for assessment etc. So let's set them up for you. Simple -stage process. Firstly we'll set up your personal blog. This will give you a feel for how to set a blog up, and also give you a crack at designing/laying out your blog. You can then