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Showing posts from February, 2019

Creative Media Industries - The Future Of The Film Industry

OKAY SO . . . .  So far you've explained the different forms of company and employment within the creative industries, as well as evaluating the roles and relationships within a specific area of creative media production. This will cover Learning Outcomes 2 and 3 from the 4 learning outcomes attached to this unit. WE STILL NEED TO CRACK  Learning Outcome 1 - where you give me a history of the relationship between creative media production and the creative industries. Still figuring out how to evidence this (don't worry, I will!). Learning Outcome 4 - where you analyse factors that may affect the future development of the film industry. This is the Outcome I think we can get on with cracking now. Do this as follows. 1. Create a new blogpost/word-doc. Call it 'The Future Of The Film Industry'. 2. Using the links below, and your own research, write a blogpost that tells me about the technological and business changes that the film industry is facing and wil

Creative Media Industries - Freelancing - Your Conclusion.

I simply want you to write me a couple of paragraphs reviewing what you've learned and telling me whether freelancing is for you. Put the heading up 'CONCLUSION'.  Paragraph one could start 'Researching freelancing I've discovered that . . . . '  You know about the financial pressures, the insecurities and the hard work. Re-iterate some of these.  You also know about the  positivies , the freedom, the flexibility, the creativity. Re-iterate some of these also.  Paragraph two could start 'Thinking about myself and freelancing I think . . . .'  You’ve heard the warnings now about how tough freelancing is. It’s now down to you to tell me whether you think the freelancing life is one for you.   Do the benefits of working for yourself, not for any fixed company appeal to you? Do they outweigh the difficulties financially?  Or do you think that you just don’t have the personality (go back to the findings of the Jung Typology test or if y

Creative Media Industries - Session 10 - Current Trends & The Gig Economy

If you want proof of how common freelancing is becoming, for the first time in my lifetime it'd seem the govt are actually doing something to help protect freelance workers from bad treatment. You'll have heard lots about the 'gig economy' - fundamentally it refers to the growing amount of people not on fixed contracts, or doing work on a project-by-project basis i.e freelancers. Often, as a freelancer, or someone working zero-hours contracts you're not afforded the same protection from bad treatment or late payment as normal contracted workers are. The govt's measures attempt to address this. Unions are already saying they're too little too late. I want you to find out  WHAT the govt. is proposing WHAT unions are attacking the measures for WHAT is the 'gig economy' and how many people are involved in it?  Use the following links to answer these questions but also conduct your own research via the 'news' tab on google or o