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Showing posts from January, 2019

Creative Media Industries - Session 8 - Freelance Contracts

Open up a new section called 'FREELANCE CONTRACTS' For now I simply want you to  define a contract  and tell me  the kind of thing you'd expect to see  in a Media contract for a freelance worker. Here's what I think from experience of reading/signing many media contracts over the years. Feel free to put this in yr own words but conduct your own research as well to add detail. CONTRACT DEFINITION A contract is simply a legally binding document which spells out the terms of employment for an individual, containing both what is expected of the employee in his or her role, and what the employee can expect from their employers. Freelance Media Contract Essentials  Info  - An Employment Contract form should contain basic information about the company and the new employee, names, addresses, contact details (phone/e-mail). If it doesn’t, obviously DON’T sign it or work for that company. It should also contain a description of work required and a start date,

Creative Media Industries - Session 7 - A Guide To Self-Employment

OK - you've written about being a freelancer in terms of the basic meaning of Freelancing and the basic pros/cons.  TASK You now need to investigate and write about how to set yourself up in self-employment.  As ever, I've got you some links here you can use for research. Call this section 'A GUIDE TO SELF EMPLOYMENT'. I'm going to want to know HOW you go about . . .  - registering as self-employed - keeping records and filling out tax returns. - sorting insurance for the equipment you might use as an interactive media worker - Expenses - what can you claim for? The basics will suffice i.e what's the minimum a self-employed person should do to keep the right side of the law? This section may well be added to in coming weeks but for today get this section started with the basic info about registering and tax.  THE LINKS

Creative Media Industries - Session 6 - Working Freelance In The Creative Media

TASK 1 - DEFINING FREELANCING Give me a good basic definition of what Freelancing means and what sets it apart from normal work. Then check out any of these links - can you also give me a few facts about the state of freelancing right now? How many people are working freelance? Is it more popular among women than men or vice versa? What's the typical age of a freelance worker? The Rise Of The Freelancer Metro Article About Freelancing: Stats Near The End Of The Article. The Anatomy Of A Freelancer 27 Things You'll Only Know If You're A Freelancer  (not to be taken entirely seriously) TASK 2 - CREATING A PROS & CONS LIST Check out some of the following links. Develop your own Pros & Cons list for Freelancing. Freelance Work vs A Salary Job 11 Pros And Cons Of Working Freelance Is Working Freelance Really Worth It? Freelance Work - Pros and Cons 10 Advantages & Disadvantages Of Working Freelance Exposed: the pros and cons of freela